Buku Terapi Gelombang Otak
Berikut ini adalah koleksi buku-buku yang berkaitan dengan Terapi Gelombang Otak (Brainwave Entrainment) dan Pemrograman Pikiran (Mind Programming). Informasi dari halaman ini merupakan lanjutan dari halaman sebelumnya.
Paul L. Nunez, Ramesh Srinivasan, "Electric Fields of the Brain: The Neurophysics of EEG"
Electroencephalography (EEG) is practiced by neurologists, cognitive neuroscientists, and others interested in functional brain imaging. Whether for clinical or experimental purposes, all studies share a common purpose-to relate scalp potentials to the underlying neurophysiology. Electrical potentials on the scalp exhibit spatial and temporal patterns that depend on the nature and location of the sources and the way that currents and fields spread through tissue. Because these dynamic patterns are correlated with behavior and cognition, EEG provides a "window on the mind," correlating physiology and psychology. This classic and widely acclaimed text, originally published in 1981, filled the large gap between EEG and the physical sciences. It has now been brought completely up to date and will again serve as an invaluable resource for understanding the principles of electric fields in living tissue and for using hard science to study human consciousness and cognition. No comparable volume exists for it is no easy task to explain the problems of EEG in clear language, with mathematics presented mainly in appendices. Among the many topics covered by the Second Edition are micro and meso (intermediate scale) synaptic sources, electrode placement, choice of reference, volume conduction, power and coherence measures, projection of scalp potentials to dura surface, dynamic signatures of conscious experience, neural networks immersed in global fields of synaptic action, and physiological bases for brain source dynamics. The Second Edition is an invaluable resource for neurologists, neuroscientists (especially cognitive neuroscientists), biomedical engineers, and their students and trainees. It will also appeal to physicists, mathematicians, computer scientists, psychiatrists, and industrial engineers interested in EEG.
William O. Tatum, "Handbook of EEG Interpretation"
EEG interpretation is a critical skill for most practicing neurologists, as well as for an increasing number of specialists in other practice settings. Handbook of EEG Interpretation, the first illustrated, portable handbook to discuss all aspects of clinical neurophysiology, is an essential means of quick reference for anyone involved in EEG interpretation. Handbook of EEG Interpretation provides practical information on reading EEGs by juxtaposing actual EEGs with bullet points of critical information, making it an essential neurophysiology reference for use during bedside, OR, ER, and ICU EEG interpretation. At once more concise, illustrative, and portable than other texts on EEG, Handbook of EEG Interpretation fits in a labcoat pocket, providing immediate information for anyone involved in EEG interpretation. It is a useful tool for all residents, fellows, and clinicians in neurology as well as many internists, psychiatrists, neurosurgeons, anesthesiologists, ICU staff, ER staff, EEG technologists, and nurses. The book's seven main sections cover normal, abnormal, and epileptiform EEG patterns, as well as seizures, patterns of special significance (e.g., stupor and coma), polysomnography, and neurophysiologic intraoperative monitoring.
EEG - fMRI: Physiological Basis, Technique, and Applications
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and Electronecephalography (EEG) are very important and complementary modalities since fMRI offers high spatial resolution and EEG is a direct measurement of neuronal activity with high temporal resolution. Interest in the integration of both types of data is growing rapidly as it promises to provide important new insights into human brain activity as it has already done so in the field of epilepsy. The availability of good quality instrumentation capable of providing interference-free data in both modalities means that electrophysiological and haemodynamic characteristics of individual brain events can be captured for the first time. Consequently, it seems certain that the integration of fMRI and EEG will play an increasing role in neuroscience and of the clinical study of brain disorders such as epilepsy.
Piotr Durka "Matching Pursuit and Unification in EEG Analysis (Engineering in Medicine & Biology)"
This definitive work provides an innovative methodology for biomedical signal analysis. It helps bridge the gap from visual analysis of EEGs to advanced signal processing techniques, serving as the first clear guide to adaptive approximations and the matching pursuit (MP) algorithm. You find a review of signal processing essentials, written in plain English, from sampling of analog signals and the inner product, to spectral and time-frequency methods of signal analysis.
This groundbreaking book introduces adaptive approximations and the basics of the matching pursuit algorithm, and explains advantages and limitations in applications relying on EEG analysis. From the parameterization of EEG transients to selective estimates of energy of relevant structures, various applications in sleep, ERD/ERS, pharmaco-EEG, and epilepsy research are explained, each spotlighting a unique feature of the matching pursuit algorithm. This comprehensive resource provides full mathematical details for all applications, including tricks necessary for efficient MP implementation, to help you modify procedures as needed or design all-new frameworks for analysis of biomedical signals. Moreover, software used in the applications can be downloaded free from the author's website.
Quantitative EEG Analysis Methods and Clinical Applications
Quantitative EEG (electroencephalography) is a cutting-edge technique used for topographic display and analysis of brain electrophysiological data. The use of quantitative EEG for diagnosing various psychiatric disorders is beginning to gain wide acceptance among professionals and researchers working in this area. This authoritative volume provides an overview of basic and advanced techniques used in quantitative EEG (qEEG) analysis. The book provides a wide range of mathematical tools used in qEEG, from single channel discriptors to the interactions among multi-channel EEG analysis. Moreover, readers find coverage of the latest and most popular application in the field, including mental and neurological disease detection/monitoring, physiological and cognitive phenomena research, and fMRI.
Janet M. Rennie, Cornelia F. Hagmann, Nicola J. Robertson "Neonatal Cerebral Investigation"
Neonatal Cerebral Investigation reviews all aspects of the investigation of the neonatal brain, bringing together diagnostic and prognostic information in a highly illustrated and practical text. An introductory section covers the basic principles of ultrasound, EEG, CFM and MR imaging and spectroscopy. These chapters are followed by a detailed review of normal neonatal imaging appearances and normal EEG, artefactual imaging appearances and imaging of various stages of the immature brain. Subsequent chapters discuss pre-term and term screening and review the imaging appearances in a variety of clinical conditions such as suspected seizure, suspected infection and enlarging head. Highly illustrated with over 400 ultrasound and MRI scans and EEG and CFM traces and providing detailed diagnostic and prognostic information on a wide range of clinical problems, Neonatal Cerebral Investigation provides the reader with a comprehensive overview of all aspects of investigation of the newborn baby with a potential neurological problem.
Cerebral Monitoring in the OR and ICU
This comprehensive volume will serve as a complete guide to the clinical application of computer assisted systems in monitoring central nervous functions both in the OR and ICU. It presents practical guidelines and therapeutic indications for computerized EEG and Somatosensory Evoked Potential (SSEP) monitoring for the experienced user as well as the novice, leading the newcomer step-by-step to a level of advanced monitoring. Basic procedures and data handling are explained in a user-friendly and practical way. The book also describes what cerebral monitoring can do and what its limitations are. In addition, proper selection of the available monitoring devices, set-up procedures, the technique of electrode placement, trouble shooting and data interpretation are fully covered. Various typical cases underline how EEG power spectra and evoked potential changes are interpreted, how they are used in the light of other variables being measured how they can serve to get a deeper insight into the underlying clinical situation. In this respect representative and color illustrated examples further emphasize the link between this book and clinical practice. In a final chapter new trends such as spinal evoked potentials are presented and their possible use in vascular surgery are discussed. Cerebral Monitoring in the Operating Room and the Intensive Care Unit will prove to be an extremely useful reference work for all physicians and medical staff involved in patient care who require further information on changes in the central nervous system, opening a window to the brain.
Time and the Brain (Conceptual Advances in Brain Research) by Robert Miller
Since the days of Galileo, time has been a fundamental variable in scientific attempts to understand the natural world. Once the first recordings of electrical activity in the brain had been made, it became clear that electrical signals from the brain consist of very complex temporal patterns. This can now be demonstrated by recordings at the single unit level and by electroencephalography (EEG). Time and the Brain explores modern approaches to these temporal aspects of electrical brain activity. The temporal structure as revealed from trains of impulses from single nerve cells and from EEG recordings are discussed in depth together with an exploration of correlations with behaviour and psychology. The single cell and EEG approaches often tend to be segregated as the research occurs in laboratories in different parts of the world. By bringing together modern information acquired using both methods it is hoped that they can become better integrated as complimentary windows on the information processing achieved by the brain.
Markus Ullsperger, Stefan Debener, "Simultaneous EEG and fMRI: Recording, Analysis, and Application"
One of the major challenges in science is to study and understand the human brain. Numerous methods examining different aspects of brain functions have been developed and employed. To study systemic interactions brain networks in vivo, non-invasive methods such as electroencephalography (EEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) have been used with great success. However, each of these methods can map only certain, quite selective aspects of brain function while missing others; and the inferences on neuronal processes and information flow are often rather indirect. To overcome these shortcomings of single methods, researchers have attempted to combine methods in order to make optimal use of their advantages while compensating their disadvantages. Hence, it is not surprising that soon after the introduction of fMRI as a neuroimaging method the possibilities of combinations with EEG have been explored.
This book is intended to aid researchers who plan to set up a simultaneous EEG-fMRI laboratory and those who are interested in integrating electrophysiological and hemodynamic data. As will be obvious from the different chapters, this is a dynamically developing field in which several approaches are being tested, validated and compared. Currently, there is no one best solution for all problems available, but many promising techniques are emerging. This book shall give a comprehensive overview of these techniques. In addition, it points to open questions and directions for future research.

Adaptive Spatial Filters for Electromagnetic Brain Imaging (Series in Biomedical Engineering) By Kensuke Sekihara, Srikatan S. Nagarajan
Neural activity in the human brain generates coherent synaptic and intracellular currents in cortical columns that create electromagnetic signals which can be measured outside the head using magnetoencephalography (MEG) and electroencephalography (EEG). Electromagnetic brain imaging refers to techniques that reconstruct neural activity from MEG and EEG signals. Electromagnetic brain imaging is unique among functional imaging techniques for its ability to provide spatio-temporal brain activation profiles that reflect not only where the activity occurs in the brain but also when this activity occurs in relation to external and internal cognitive events, as well as to activity in other brain regions. Adaptive spatial filters are powerful algorithms for electromagnetic brain imaging that enable high-fidelity reconstruction of neuronal activity. This book describes the technical advances of adaptive spatial filters for electromagnetic brain imaging by integrating and synthesizing available information and describes various factors that affect its performance. The intended audience include graduate students and researchers interested in the methodological aspects of electromagnetic brain imaging.
Rosalind Cartwright - The Twenty-four Hour Mind: The Role of Sleep and Dreaming in Our Emotional Lives
In The Twenty-four Hour Mind, sleep scientist Rosalind Cartwright brings together decades of research into the bizarre sleep disorders known as parasomnias to propose a new theory of how the human mind works consistently throughout waking and sleeping hours. Thanks to increasingly sophisticated EEG and brain imaging technologies, we now know that our minds do not simply "turn off" during sleep. Rather, they continue to be active, and research has indicated that one of the primary purposes of sleep is to aid in regulating emotions and processing experiences that occur during preceding waking hours. As such, when sleep is neurologically or genetically impaired or just too short, the processes that good sleep facilitates--those that usually have a positive effect on our mood and performance--can short circuit, with negative results that occasionally reach tragic proportions. Examining the interactions between conscious and unconscious forms of thinking as they proceed throughout the cycles of sleeping, dreaming, and waking, Cartwright demystifies the inner workings of the human mind that trigger sleep problems, how researchers are working to control them, and how they can apply what they learn to further our understanding of the brain. Along the way, she provides a lively account of the history of sleep research and the birth of sleep medicine that will initiate readers into this fascinating field of inquiry and the far-reaching implications it will have on the future of neuroscience. The Twenty-four Hour Mind offers a unique look at a relatively new area of study that will be of interest to those with and without sleep problems, as well as anyone captivated by the mysteries of the brain--and what sleep continues to teach us about the waking mind.
In the beginning : the early days of sleep research
Collecting dreams : watching the sleeping mind
Short sleep and its consequences : insomnia
Sleep and dreams in depression
Sleepwalking into danger : murders without motives
More NREM parasomnias : those who injure themselves, seek food or sex, explore, and protect
Sleepwalking and state of mind in the courtroom
Warnings from the land of nod : nightmares and REM behavior disorder
Dreaming and the unconscious
The role of dreams in the twenty-four hour mind : regulating emotion and updating the self.
Modeling Phase Transitions in the Brain (Springer Series in Computational Neuroscience)
The induction of unconsciousness using anesthetic agents demonstrates that the cerebral cortex can operate in two very different behavioral modes: alert and responsive vs. unaware and quiescent. But the states of wakefulness and sleep are not single-neuron properties---they emerge as bulk properties of cooperating populations of neurons, with the switchover between states being similar to the physical change of phase observed when water freezes or ice melts. Some brain-state transitions, such as sleep cycling, anesthetic induction, epileptic seizure, are obvious and detected readily with a few EEG electrodes; others, such as the emergence of gamma rhythms during cognition, or the ultra-slow BOLD rhythms of relaxed free-association, are much more subtle. The unifying theme of this book is the notion that all of these bulk changes in brain behavior can be treated as phase transitions between distinct brain states.
Bruce J. Fisch, MD Epilepsy and Intensive Care Monitoring: Principles and Practice
Unlike many other diagnostic procedures, EEG, now over 80 years old, and epilepsy monitoring, now over 40 years old, have demonstrated their usefulness and stood the test of time. Although the benefits of these diagnostic procedures are clear, monitoring is currently not available to the majority of patients in need. One of the factors limiting broader implementation is the lack of practitioners with special expertise.
Epilepsy and Intensive Care Monitoring was developed to address this concern. This practical volume contains detailed chapters covering all areas of clinical epilepsy monitoring. Featuring expert authors from major epilepsy centers, this seminal work reviews all current procedures and applications for monitoring adults and children with epilepsy in the Epilepsy Monitoring Unit and the ICU
Functional Neuroimaging in Clinical Populations
Bringing together leading experts, this volume reviews cutting-edge applications of neuroimaging techniques in the study of brain injury, brain disease, and normal aging. It provides up-to-date descriptions of EEG, MEG, PET, and fMRI; discusses salient methodological issues; and presents significant clinical advances that have been brought about through the use of these procedures. Specific disorders addressed include epilepsy, aphasia, traumatic brain injury, multiple sclerosis, alcoholism, autism, schizophrenia, and stroke. Analyzing what functional imaging has revealed about the causes and mechanisms of sensory, motor, and cognitive disturbances associated with these conditions, the book also explores implications for improving cognitive rehabilitation.
Christoph M. Michel,Thomas Koenig, Daniel Brandeis,Lorena R. R. Gianotti,Jirí Wackermann," Electrical Neuroimaging"
Electrical neuroimaging is based on the analysis of brain electrical activity recorded from the human scalp with multichannel EEG. It offers enormous potential for the dynamic mapping of brain functions, and for the non-invasive diagnosis of neurological and psychiatric conditions.
Todd C. Handy, "Brain Signal Analysis: Advances in Neuroelectric and Neuromagnetic Methods"
Cognitive electrophysiology concerns the study of the brain's electrical and magnetic responses to both external and internal events. These can be measured using electroencephalograms (EEGs) or magnetoencephalograms (MEGs). With the advent of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), another method of tracking brain signals, the tools and techniques of ERP, EEG and MEG data acquisition and analysis have been developing at a similarly rapid pace, and this book offers an overview of key recent advances in cognitive electrophysiology.
The chapters highlight the increasing overlap in EEG and MEG analytic techniques, describing several methods applicable to both; they discuss recent developments, including reverse correlation methods in visual-evoked potentials and a new approach to topographic mapping in high-density electrode montage; and they relate the latest thinking on design aspects of EEG/MEG studies, discussing how to optimize the signal-to-noise ratio as well as statistical developments for maximizing power and accuracy in data analysis using repeated-measure ANOVAS.
Lena Hellström-Westas, Ingmar Rosen, Linda S. de Vries "An Atlas of Amplitude-Integrated EEGs in the Newborn, Second Edition"
Thoroughly revised from analogue examples to digital examples using simultaneous dual channel EEG, An Atlas of Amplitude-Integrated EEGs in the Newborn is the definitive clinical atlas-textbook on interpreting Cerebral Function Monitor (CFM) tracings. This simplified method of continuous amplitude-integrated EEG (EEG) monitoring increasingly used in neonatal units is a safer, more reliable method.
Clinicians will be guided effortlessly by illustrations of aEEG tracings, while the atlas discusses the difference between aEEG tracings in the healthy and at risk neonate.
Memory and Brain Dynamics: Oscillations Integrating Attention, Perception, Learning, and Memory by Erol Basar
Memory itself is inseparable from all other brain functions and involves distributed dynamic neural processes. This book bridges the disciplines of neurophysiology, cognitive psychology and EEG-brain dynamics to understand how the brain represents mental events that are interwoven with memory. The text presents a new study-framework that links oscillatory brain activity with the concept of dynamic memory, leading to dynamic-APLR alliance and all brain functions. The latest volume in the Conceptual Advances in Brain Research series, Memory and Brain Dynamics is an invaluable reference for all postgraduate students, researchers and professionals in the field of neuroscience.
Carl Senior, Tamara Russell , Michael S. Gazzaniga, "Methods in Mind (Cognitive Neuroscience)"
The evolution of cognitive neuroscience has been spurred by the development of increasingly sophisticated investigative techniques to study human cognition. In Methods in Mind, experts examine the wide variety of tools available to cognitive neuroscientists, paying particular attention to the ways in which different methods can be integrated to strengthen empirical findings and how innovative uses for established techniques can be developed. The book will be a uniquely valuable resource for the researcher seeking to expand his or her repertoire of investigative techniques.
Each chapter explores a different approach. These include transcranial magnetic stimulation, cognitive neuropsychiatry, lesion studies in nonhuman primates, computational modeling, psychophysiology, single neurons and primate behavior, grid computing, eye movements, fMRI, electroencephalography, imaging genetics, magnetoencephalography, neuropharmacology, and neuroendocrinology. As mandated, authors focus on convergence and innovation in their fields; chapters highlight such cross-method innovations as the use of the fMRI signal to constrain magnetoencephalography, the use of electroencephalography (EEG) to guide rapid transcranial magnetic stimulation at a specific frequency, and the successful integration of neuroimaging and genetic analysis. Computational approaches depend on increased computing power, and one chapter describes the use of distributed or grid computing to analyze massive datasets in cyberspace. Each chapter author is a leading authority in the technique discussed.
Peyman Adjamian, Peter A. Bandettini, Mark Baxter, Anthony S. David, James Dobson, Ian Foster, Michael Gazzaniga, Dietmar G. Heinke, Stephen Hall, John M. Henderson, Glyn W. Humphreys, Andreas Meyer-Lindenburg, Venkata Mattay, Elisabeth A. Murray, Gina Rippon, Tamara Russell, Carl Senior, Philip Shaw, Krish D. Singh, Marc A. Sommer, Lauren Stewart, John D. Van Horn, Jens Voeckler, Vincent Walsh, Daniel R. Weinberger, Michael Wilde, Jeffrey Woodward, Robert H. Wurtz, Eun Young Yoon, Yong Zhao
Luigi Landini, Vincenzo Positano, Maria Santarelli, "Advanced Image Processing in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Signal Processing and Communications)"
The popularity of magnetic resonance (MR) imaging in medicine is no mystery: it is non-invasive, it produces high quality structural and functional image data, and it is very versatile and flexible. Research into MR technology is advancing at a blistering pace, and modern engineers must keep up with the latest developments. This is only possible with a firm grounding in the basic principles of MR, and Advanced Image Processing in Magnetic Resonance Imaging solidly integrates this foundational knowledge with the latest advances in the field. Beginning with the basics of signal and image generation and reconstruction, the book covers in detail the signal processing techniques and algorithms, filtering techniques for MR images, quantitative analysis including image registration and integration of EEG and MEG techniques with MR, and MR spectroscopy techniques. The final section of the book explores functional MRI (fMRI) in detail, discussing fundamentals and advanced exploratory data analysis, Bayesian inference, and nonlinear analysis. Many of the results presented in the book are derived from the contributors' own work, imparting highly practical experience through experimental and numerical methods. Contributed by international experts at the forefront of the field, Advanced Image Processing in Magnetic Resonance Imaging is an indispensable guide for anyone interested in further advancing the technology and capabilities of MR imaging.
Mirela V. Simon, "Intraoperative Neurophysiology: A Comprehensive Guide to Monitoring and Mapping"
Neurophysiologic intraoperative monitoring (IOM) neurologic monitoring during complex operative procedures is increasingly used to help prevent damage to the nervous system during surgery. Intraoperative Neurophysiology discusses all aspects of IOM with a hands- on approach to this challenging and exciting new frontier.. Everything is covered from set-up, monitoring and mapping, troubleshooting, interpretation of results, and medical management. Interweaving contributions from neurologists and surgeons, the book presents a practical integrated blueprint for effective neurophysiological testing in the operating theater.
Intraoperative Neurophysiology is visual and comprehensive in scope and coverage. It begins by reviewing basic neurophysiologic and neuroanatomic knowledge and presents detailed technical information on each basic test, providing the foundation necessary for choosing the right test and customizing monitoring and mapping according to the specifics of individual surgical procedures.
Intraoperative Neurophysiology utilizes a unique structure to provide insights into successful monitoring practices and techniques. The book uses the steps of each surgical procedure as the skeleton upon which the IOM procedure is built, thereby presenting a developmental step-by-step approach to IOM procedures and the possible complications and pitfalls - that may arise at different moments of the surgery. In addition, it promotes and encourages the use of EEG in the operating room, and offers unprecedented coverage of ECoG, functional mapping, and EEG monitoring.
With over 275 illustrations numerous tables, and the most important clinical points made in writing and exemplified graphically, Intraoperative Neurophysiology: Monitoring and Mapping delivers in words and pictures everything one needs to know to master the art and science of intraoperative neurophysiologic procedure and reduce the operative risk of neurological damage in surgical patients.
Amine Nait-Ali, "Advanced Biosignal Processing
Through 17 chapters, this book presents the principle of many advanced biosignal processing techniques. After an important chapter introducing the main biosignal properties as well as the most recent acquisition techniques, it highlights five specific parts which build the body of this book. Each part concerns one of the most intensively used biosignals in the clinical routine, namely the Electrocardiogram (ECG), the Elektroenzephalogram (EEG), the Electromyogram (EMG) and the Evoked Potential (EP). In addition, each part gathers a certain number of chapters related to analysis, detection, classification, source separation and feature extraction. These aspects are explored by means of various advanced signal processing approaches, namely wavelets, Empirical Modal Decomposition, Neural networks, Markov models, Metaheuristics as well as hybrid approaches including wavelet networks, and neuro-fuzzy networks.
The last part, concerns the Multimodal Biosignal processing, in which we present two different chapters related to the biomedical compression and the data fusion.
Instead organising the chapters by approaches, the present book has been voluntarily structured according to signal categories (ECG, EEG, EMG, EP). This helps the reader, interested in a specific field, to assimilate easily the techniques dedicated to a given class of biosignals. Furthermore, most of signals used for illustration purpose in this book can be downloaded from the Medical Database for the Evaluation of Image and Signal Processing Algorithm. These materials assist considerably the user in evaluating the performances of their developed algorithms.
This book is suited for final year graduate students, engineers and researchers in biomedical engineering and practicing engineers in biomedical science and medical physics.
Zhong-Lin Lu, Lloyd Kaufman - Magnetic Source Imaging of the Human Brain
This book is designed to acquaint serious students, scientists, and clinicians with magnetic source imaging (MSI)--a brain imaging technique of proven importance that promises even more important advances. The technique permits spatial resolution of neural events on a scale measured in millimeters and temporal resolution measured in milliseconds. Although widely mentioned in literature dealing with cognitive neuroscience and functional brain imaging, there is no single book describing both the foundations and actual methods of magnetoencephalopgraphy and its underlying science, neuromagnetism. This volume fills a long-standing need, as it is accessible to scientists and students having no special background in the field, and makes it possible for them to understand this literature and undertake their own research.
A self-contained unit, this book covers MSI from beginning to end, including its relationship to allied technologies, such as electroencephalography and modern functional imaging modalities.
In addition, the book:
*introduces the field to the non-specialist, providing a framework for the rest of the book;
*provides a thorough review of the physiological basis of MSI;
*describes the mathematical bases of MSI--the forward and inverse problems;
*outlines new signal processing methods that extract information from single-trial MEG;
*depicts the early, as well as the most recent versions of MSI technology;
*compares MSI with other imaging methodologies;
*describes new paradigms and analysis techniques in applying MSI to study human perception and cognition, which are also applicable to EEG; and
*reviews some of the most important results in MSI from the most prominent researchers and laboratories around the world.
Thanks to original uploader!
Kenneth Revett, "Behavioral Biometrics: A Remote Access Approach"
With the advent of the internet as a medium for performing business transactions, the need for a secure communication channel has never been more paramount. The study of behavioral biometrics - the verification and/or identification of individuals based on the way they provide information to an authentication system - originated from the need for a small footprint, versatile alternative to expensive hardware-based, or physiological, biometrics. As an emerging alternative to these traditional and more well-known physiological biometrics such as fingerprinting or iris scans, behavorial biometrics can offer state-of-the-art solutions to identity management requirements as either a stand-alone system or part of a multi-biometric security system.
Whilst there are many existing texts that focus on physiological biometrics or algorithmic approaches deployed in biometrics, Behavioral Biometrics addresses a gap in the existing literature for a text that is solely dedicated to the topic of behavioral biometrics. The author
presents a thorough analysis of the latest research into well-known techniques such as signature verification and voice recognition, as well more recently developed and ground-breaking techniques including keyboard/ mouse dynamics, gait analysis, odour analysis and salinity testing, which are ever increasing in reliability;
discusses exciting future trends that focus on the brain-computer interface using EEG technology and may one day enable human-machine interaction via brainwave patterns;
describes the central applications for the technology within e-commerce and related industries, and provides a number of comprehensive case studies of major implementations that provide the user with a strong sense of the approaches employed in the various subdomains of behavioral biometrics.
provides a comprehensive glossary of terms as well as a rich set of references and websites that enable the reader to explore and augment topics as required.
Behavioral Biometrics will appeal to graduate and postgraduate students, as well as researchers wishing to explore this fascinating research topic, in areas of biometrics and computer science including classification algorithms, pattern recognition, artificial intelligence&security and digital forensics. In addition, it will serve as a reference for system integrators, CIOs, and related professionals who are charged with implementing security features at their organization.
Reggie Kwan ,Robert Fox,F. T. Chan,Philip Tsang"Enhancing Learning Through Technology"
Enhancing Learning Through Technology: Research on Emerging Technologies and Pedagogies.This book deals with how technology can enhance learning. It is a collection of contemporary practices and developmental trends for enhancing learning through technology. Researchers in the field of electronic learning (e-learning) share how new technologies can be applied in and out of the classroom, and how contemporary pedagogical practices should be deployed.
This book presents the most updated technologies that work hand in hand with current pedagogies to help students learn. The contributors are prominent researchers and practitioners in the field. This book attempts to report all emerging models, techniques, and applications related to learning through technology.
Contents: Enhancing Learning Through Innovative Technology: Challenges and Responses (L Webster & D Murphy); Development of an E-Learning System for Automation Technology Education (M Jou); Using YouTube: Strategies for Using New Media in Teaching and Learning (P Duffy); Enhancing Learning Through Innovative Technology: Education in Surf Equipment, Design, Materials and Construction Course (J Audy); A Study on Tag Cloud Quality in E-Learning 2.0 (K O Chow & K S Cheung); Introducing Learning Objects in Teacher Preparation (G Dettori et al.); The Sweet Suite? A Discussion and Review of a Range of Computer-Assisted Language Learning Software (D R MacPherson); Application of EEG in Technology-Enhanced Language Learning Environments (Y Hirata & Y Hirata); A Review of Secondary Schools Use of ICT in Hong Kong (R Fox & T Waugh); Knowledge Management in Distance Education: A Case Study of Curriculum Teaching and Learning (J Je); Reviewing ICT Research Publications in Hong Kong Post-Secondary Education (R Fox & J Pearson); A Theoretical Model for Learning Objects Repositories and a Pilot Implementation of the National Learning Objects Repository for Cyprus (P Pouyioutas et al.); Recognizing Fair Use of Third-Party Digital Content in E-Learning (Y-P Chou & Y Chang); An Intelligent Online Assessment System for Programming Courses (S C Ng et al.); Enhancing Student Learning Throught Technology: A Case Study of Online Game and Webgame Experiment (P Tsang et al.); Learner-Content Interactivity: Instructional Design Strategies for the Development of E-Learning Materials (E Y M Tsang); The Use of Multiple Choice Tests in Law (K Marshall).
Metin Akay “Handbook of Neural Engineering"
An important new work establishing a foundation for future developments in neural engineering. The Handbook of Neural Engineering provides theoretical foundations in computational neural science and engineering and current applications in wearable and implantable neural sensors/probes. Inside, leading experts from diverse disciplinary groups representing academia, industry, and private and government organizations present peer-reviewed contributions on the brain-computer interface, nano-neural engineering, neural prostheses, imaging the brain, neural signal processing, the brain, and neurons.
The Handbook of Neural Engineering covers:
Neural signal and image processing--the analysis and modeling of neural activity and EEG-related activities using the nonlinear and nonstationary analysis methods, including the chaos, fractal, and time-frequency and time-scale analysis methods--and how to measure functional, physiological, and metabolic activities in the human brain using current and emerging medical imaging technologies.
Neuro-nanotechnology, artificial implants, and neural prosthesis--the design of multi-electrode arrays to study how the neurons of human and animals encode stimuli, the evaluation of functional changes in neural networks after stroke and spinal cord injuries, and improvements in therapeutic applications using neural prostheses.
Neurorobotics and neural rehabilitation engineering--the recent developments in the areas of biorobotic system, biosonar head, limb kinematics, and robot-assisted activity to improve the treatment of elderly subjects at the hospital and home, as well as the interactions of the neuron chip, neural information processing, perception and neural dynamics, learning memory and behavior, biological neural networks, and neural control

Gemma A. Calvert, Charles Spence, Barry E. Stein, "The Handbook of Multisensory Processes (Bradford Books)"
This landmark reference work brings together for the first time in one volume the most recent research from different areas of the emerging field of multisensory integration. After many years of using a modality-specific "sense by sense" approach, researchers across different disciplines in neuroscience and psychology now recognize that perception is fundamentally a multisensory experience. To understand how the brain synthesizes information from the different senses, we must study not only how information from each sensory modality is decoded but also how this information interacts with the sensory processing taking place within other sensory channels. The findings cited in The Handbook of Multisensory Processes suggest that there are broad underlying principles that govern this interaction, regardless of the specific senses involved.
The book is organized thematically into eight sections; each of the 55 chapters presents a state-of-the-art review of its topic by leading researchers in the field. The key themes addressed include multisensory contributions to perception in humans; whether the sensory integration involved in speech perception is fundamentally different from other kinds of multisensory integration; multisensory processing in the midbrain and cortex in model species, including rat, cat, and monkey; behavioral consequences of multisensory integration; modern neuroimaging techniques, including EEG, PET, and fMRI, now being used to reveal the many sites of multisensory processing in the brain; multisensory processes that require postnatal sensory experience to emerge, with examples from multiple species; brain specialization and possible equivalence of brain regions; and clinical studies of such breakdowns of normal sensory integration as brain damage and synesthesia.
Toshifumi Kumai, "Another View of the Brain System"
Our intelligent life deeply depends on the highly evolved nervous system of the brain, and the brain is one of most exciting themes in science. The authors have studied the control mechanism of the central nervous system in masticatory movements using electromyograms (EMG), electroencephalograms (EEG), and magnetoencephalograms (MEG). Much of the volume of this book is made up of descriptions of common established knowledge in neurophysiology, whereas short columns, entitled "A Different Angle", are interspersed here and there in each chapter. "A Different Angle" columns were based on students' questions. Many readers of this book may have had questions like those described in "A Different Angle" at an early stage of their study of neuroscience, but which may have been forgotten. Everybody, including specialists in neuroscience, will be able to read and use this book to gain a better understanding of the field.
The thoroughly updated Fifth Edition of this popular book provides a practical introduction to contemporary neurology for nonspecialists. It offers straightforward guidance on diagnosis and management of all disorders affecting the central and peripheral nervous systems. Each chapter includes case studies with multiple-choice questions, plus a bulleted list indicating when to consult a neurologist. This edition features increased emphasis on treatment, including drugs, devices, and rehabilitation. The authors provide complete information on all new neurologic drugs–including dosage and interactions–and discuss herbal and alternative medicines where appropriate. This edition also includes more tables and illustrations to speed clinicians’ access to information.

Atlas of EEG in Critical Care
As the population ages, technology improves, intensive care medicine expands and neurocritical care advances, the use of EEG monitoring in the critically ill is becoming increasingly important.
This atlas is a comprehensive yet accessible introduction to the uses of EEG monitoring in the critical care setting. It includes basic EEG patterns seen in encephalopathy, both specific and non-specific, nonconvulsive seizures, periodic EEG patterns, and controversial patterns on the ictal–interictal continuum. Confusing artefacts, including ones that mimic seizures, are shown and explained, and the new standardized nomenclature for these patterns is included.
The Atlas of EEG in Critical Care explains the principles of technique and interpretation of recordings and discusses the techniques of data management, and ‘trending’ central to long-term monitoring. It demonstrates applications in multi-modal monitoring, correlating with new techniques such as microdialysis, and features superb illustrations of commonly observed neurologic events, including seizures, hemorrhagic stroke and ischaemia.
This atlas is written for practitioners, fellows and residents in critical care medicine, neurology, epilepsy and clinical neurophysiology, and is essential reading for anyone getting involved in EEG monitoring in the intensive care unit.
Cerebellar Disorders: A Practical Approach to Diagnosis and Management - April 2010 Edition
During the last three decades, many laboratories worldwide have dedicated their research activities to understanding the roles of the cerebellum in motor control, cognitive processes and the biology of mental processes, behavioral symptoms and emotion. These advances have been associated with discoveries of new clinical disorders, in particular in the field of genetic ataxias, and the growing number of diseases presents a source of difficulty for clinicians during daily practice. This practical guide summarizes and evaluates current knowledge in the field of cerebellar disorders. Encompassing details of both common and uncommon cerebellar ataxias, including vascular, immune, neoplastic, infectious, traumatic, toxic and inherited disorders, this book will assist clinicians in the diagnosis and management of the full spectrum of cerebellar ataxias encountered in daily practice. Essential reading for clinicians, including general practitioners, neurologists, pediatricians, radiologists, psychiatrists and neuropsychologists, this will also prove a valuable tool for students, trainees and researchers.
Stroke in Children and Young Adults
The revised and updated second edition of this comprehensive text continues to offer careful critical evaluation and authoritative advice on stroke, the most complicated disease affecting the nervous system of children and young adults. New chapters, the latest guidelines from the American Heart Association, tips for preventing misdiagnoses, and more provide you with the knowledge you need to make the best clinical and management decisions of both common and rare cerebrovascular disorders in the young population. Tightly focused, this fully referenced textbook fills the void in the literature by including detailed discussions on topics such as stroke in neonates, atherosclerotic cerebral infarction in young adults, strokes caused by migraines, stroke during pregnancy, and a myriad of others. Up-to-date tables containing rich troves of data along with the careful selection of multiple references further enhances your acumen.
The Central Nervous System - March 2010 Edition
The Central Nervous System: Structure and Function, Fourth Edition continues the tradition of one of the most respected textbooks in clinical neuroscience by providing medical students the knowledge and understanding of neuroscience as a basis for clinical thinking. While remaining concise and easy to read, the text encourages reflection and critical thinking of established facts and scientific conjecture and will be of interest to medical, graduate, and undergraduate students alike.
Prof Per Brodal provides clear descriptions of brain structures and relates them to their functional properties by incorporating data from molecular biology to clinical neurology. The numerous full color line drawings – based on the author’s long experience of teaching undergraduate students and new to this edition – make it easier to understand complex structural and functional relationships.
Thoroughly revised, this fourth edition goes further in integrating material from all fields of the neurosciences. Now divided into 8 Sections with a total of 34 Chapters, each chapter is introduced by a brief overview of what the student can expect to learn. New material has been incorporated in all chapters while maintaining the scope and coverage that has established The Central Nervous System: Structure and Function as the preeminent neuroscience textbook.

Joseph Murphy “The Power of Your Subconcious Mind"
This book will give you the key to the most awesome power within your reach!
This remarkable book has already helped readers the world over achieve the seemingly impossible just by learning how to bring the incredible force of the subconscious under their control. Now you, too, can learn these powerful techniques for changing your life simply by changing your beliefs.
Dr. Murphy combines time-honored spiritual wisdom with cutting-edge scientific research to explain the influence of the subconscious mind on everything you do. And he presents simple, practical, and proven-effective exercises that can turn your mind into a powerful tool for improving your everyday life. Filled with inspiring real-life success stories, this invaluable user's guide to your mind will unlock the secrets to success in whatever endeavor you choose.
Inside you'll discover how to use the subconscious mind to:
* Increase health and even cure the body of many common ailments
* Get the promotion you want, the raise you need, the recognition you deserve
* Build the confidence to do the things you never dared -- but always wanted -- to do in life
* Develop friendships and enhance existing relationships with co-workers, family, and friends
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* Learn the secret of "eternal youth" and much, much more!
With this book as your guide, there are no limits to the prosperity, happiness, and peace of mind you can achieve simply by using The Power of Your Subconscious Mind.
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