terapi musik dan terapi gelombang otak

Konfirmasi Pemesanan CD Terapi Musik

Nama Lengkap *
Alamat Lengkap *
Mohon ketik alamat Anda selengkap-lengkapnya dan pastikan semuanya benar agar pengiriman lancar.
Nomor HP / Telepon *
Email *
Jumlah Transfer (Rp) *
Rekening Tujuan *
Tanggal Transfer *
CD Yang Anda Pesan *
 01 - ADHD Therapy 
 02 - Alcohol Free 
 03 - Allergy Reduction 
 04 - Alzheimer Therapy 
 05 - Analytical Mind 
 06 - Anxiety Reduction 
 07 - Appetite Booster 
 08 - Appetite Reduction 
 09 - Asthma Treatment 
 10 - Arthritis Cure 
 11 - Athletic Body Booster 
 12 - Attracting Love 
 13 - Autism Therapy 
 14 - Baby Relaxation Music 
 15 - Baby Blues Syndrome 
 16 - Bipolar Disorder Cure 
 17 - Breaking Mental Block 
 18 - Breast Enhancement  
 19 - Breast Feed Enhancement 
 20 - Change Your Bad Habit 
 21 - Charismatic Personality 
 22 - Choose Your Baby's Sex 
 23 - Chronic Insomnia 
 24 - Confidence With Woman 
 25 - Creativity Booster 
 26 - Delay Speech Therapy 
 27 - Delta Sleep 
 28 - Depression Cure 
 29 - Detoxification Pollution 
 30 - Down Syndrome Therapy 
 31 - Dyslexia Treatment 
 32 - Eliminate Snoring 
 33 - EQ & SQ Booster 
 34 - Easy Birthing 
 35 - Emotional Healing 
 36 - Fainting Therapy 
 37 - Fear & Phobia Free 
 38 - Female Fertility Cure 
 39 - Flexible Personality 
 40 - Focus & Concentration 
 41 - Forgiveness Therapy 
 42 - Gastritis Treatment 
 43 - Genius Baby 
 44 - Growth Hormone Booster 
 45 - Happy Children 
 46 - Headache & Migraine Relief  
 47 - Healthy Blood Pressure 
 48 - Healthy Hair 
 49 - Healthy Menstruation 
 50 - Healthy Pregnancy 
 51 - Hypnotic Trance Booster 
 52 - IBS Relief 
 53 - Immune System Booster 
 54 - Inner Beauty 
 55 - Language Learning 
 56 - Law of Attraction 
 57 - Male Fertility Cure 
 58 - Male Sexual Booster 
 59 - Meditation Zone 
 60 - Memory Bank 
 61 - Mental Caffeine 
 62 - Mind Body Quick Refresh 
 63 - Mood Elevator 
 64 - Motivation For Children 
 65 - Motivator & Energizer 
 66 - Music Intellegence Booster 
 67 - Multiple Intelligences 
 68 - Natural Healing 
 69 - Natural Slim Program 
 70 - OCD Relief 
 71 - Out of Body Sensation 
 72 - Pain Relief 
 73 - Overcome Procrastination 
 74 - Panic Attack Free 
 75 - Peaceful Mind 
 76 - Peak Performance 
 77 - Play Great Golf 
 78 - Positive Thinking 
 79 - Public Speaking 
 80 - Quantum Learning 
 81 - Quit Smoking 
 82 - Self Acceptance 
 83 - Reduce Radiation Therapy 
 84 - Revielle Therapy 
 85 - Self Confidence 
 86 - Self Confidence For Children 
 87 - Skin Rejuvenation 
 88 - Sound From Heaven 
 89 - Speed Reading 
 90 - Stop Bedwetting 
 91 - Stress Relief 
 92 - Stroke Recovery 
 93 - Stuttering Therapy 
 94 - Total Addiction Free 
 95 - Universal Consciousness 
 96 - Universal Energy  
 97 - Vertigo Treatment 
 98 - Very Hot Women 
 99 - Winning in Bowling 
 100 - Winning in Tennis 
 101 - Your True Potential 
 102 - Rife Frequency Therapy 
Keterangan (Jika Ada)

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